Hotel in Munich Au-Haidhausen

Hotel in Munich Au-Haidhausen

The fifth district of Munich is Au-Haidhausen. This region consists of the two areas of Au and Haidhausen and borders on the Isar river. Au-Haidhausen is one of the most important districts of Munich and is also known as the home of the Maximilianeum, which has been the seat of the Bavarian Parliament since 1949. The building is located directly on the banks of the Isar river and is brimming with elegance and grace. Au-Haidhausen is also the site of the TU University Hospital, known as the ‘Klinikum rechts der Isar’.

Another very famous site is the Muffatwerk, located at the transition to the Munich city centre. This former power station is now one of the most famous cultural centres in Munich and plays a very important role in Au-Haidhausen’s music and cultural scene. The service sector of district 5 is as important and takes up the largest part of the city's economy. It is obvious that first-class hotels line up in Munich Au-Haidhausen.

Cosiness in the workers' suburb - right next to your Hotel Munich Au-Haidhausen

Anyone studying the history of Au-Haidhausen will quickly recognise the parallels between this former workers' suburb and the present district. Stand-up bars were once the hallmark of the streets of Au-Haidhausen and even today you can after work visit these bars at the Eastern Railway Station or in the French Quarter. The traditional bars are lined with modern bars and restaurants, usually within walking distance from your hotel in Munich Au-Haidhausen. Due to the above-average cultural mix, you can experience a particularly large culinary variety.